Welcome to AcuDestress

This first-time viewers page introduces our medical stress management program. As AcuDestress is a uniquely effective application of state-of-the-art ways to work with stress the twin skills - mindfulness and neuroplasticity, the page will expand your vista on it.

Learn more about the AcuDestress program below. The program is introduced in a series of questions on the left and in a series of answers and short videos on the right by its founder and creator, Dr. Brian C. Bailey M.D.


(Clicking on Question makes Answer appear)

1.) Who is Dr. Brian Bailey?

      How did AcuDestress originate and why?

2.) Who is Dr. Michael O. Smith and what was his

     contribution to AcuDestress?

3.) Why choose ACUDESTRESS over other methods?

      Which patients benefit?

4.) While anyone might benefit are there some patients

     who benefit better than others?

5.) Is the program covered financially?

6.) Is AcuDestress for adults only or can youth benefit ?

Your experience of AcuDestress begins with an individual intake visit of one hour, which is  covered by OHIP fully and approximately 90% by the Régie de l’assurance maladie de Québec.  After your intake appointment you decide whether to attend. Our administrator,  Jane Vance is at 613-319-6750.  She also handles payments and insurance receipts. Visit our APPOINTMENTS PAGE  with remaining questions and to book your intake date/time and our Frequently Asked Questions page for further inquiries.

People planning to attend may enjoy reading  our favourite book on neuroplasticity. The Brain That Changes Itself is by Canadian author Dr. Norman Doidge. Dr. Bailey’s own (free) explanatory online book The Magic of AcuDetox Part 1. and the page on this site devoted to Mindfulness and Neuroplasticity are helpful explanations. Reading, however, is optional, before and during sessions.

To Return to Introduction



Your patient’s first step is to have an INTAKE APPOINTMENT with Dr. Bailey. Anything they read beforehand is meant to clarify details.

This page is a first-time viewer page for HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS, if you’ve seen already seen it and are here to refer a patient CLICK HERE


  1. QUESTION: While anyone might benefit are there some patients who benefit better than others?

  2. ANSWER: initially we used it for patients who had not done well with other methods (people we saw as “stuck” or those who were tired of being
    on psychoactive medications. There are several people whose problems are associated with medical problems like gluten sensitivity (see The Magic of AcuDetox Ch. 4) who will not improve on a gluten free diet alone. Gluten sensitives who are gluten free benefit. Dr. Bailey wrote this book for potential recipients. It’s accessible here.

At the risk of over-emphasizing one hidden physical risk factor for emotional dysfunction, gluten sensitivity is a recent (c. 2005) addition to our knowledge base and many will not have information about it in sufficient detail as yet. Conservative observers like Dr. Alessio Fasano  say it affects 6-8% of the population; liberal observers like Dr. Ken Fine suggest that it can be seen in up to 1/3 of the population. Seen or unseen, it is always associated with malabsorption of amino acids essential for neurotransmitter production, leading to longstanding symptom-producing deficits leading to anxiety, depression, Brain fog and memory problems.




        CLICK HERE

AcuDestress is a life-altering energy-shifting training session, by which, following one month of treatment, non-meditators fast track to mindfulness, then learn neuroplasticity, all initiated/sustained/modulated by AcuDetox ear acupuncture. Many recipients report that they become able, subsequently, to manage stress without psychotherapy and some are able to come off psychoactive medication.

An overview of the program CLICK HERE